Friday, February 26, 2010

Just Another Ordinary Day

Travelling by train or bus or tram or any public transport around Warsaw can turn out to be a lot of things. Boring. Exciting. Uneventful. Colourful. Disgusting. Or all of the above. Sometimes I have to wonder what certain individuals have in their mind.

Half past nine in the morning, I'm travelling from the west part of Warsaw the east. Taking a few minutes to read a novel. It's just a five train stops. Two dodgy looking men enter the train and sit in the same wagon. Warning signs go off to move to another part of the train, but that would be to obvious so I sit, staring out the window to avoid eye contact. But I can't help but listen in on their conversation.

'I need a cigarette. I'll be back in a minute' one of them says.
A few moments later.
'#(&) there's no where to smoke here.' he says to his friend.
Looking around the carriage, he sits back down in the seat and lights up his cigarette. Smokes it without a care in the world.

Unfortunately this isn't a one off incident.
So you're probably wondering why no one says anything.
Well, the result might be;
a – you'll get cursed and spat at
b – you might get beaten up
c – you might get killed
It's just not worth it. Yes it's unfortunate. If more people stood up for what they believed, protected the rights of others and started giving a damn about their own backyard and the backyards of those around them, the whole world might be a better place. Or they could learn to read, 'No Smoking' means don't light that damn cigarette.

The funny thing was that this guy was talking to his mate about what a great student he was at school, getting straight A's, being a goody two shoes and than taking a wrong turn somewhere around college when he dropped out and turned to crime. There's a great possibility that he was recently released from prison.

I kept my mouth shut. Though I was tempted to tell him that he should turn in the right direction and put the cigarette out before he got into more trouble by authorities. Unfortunately I wasn't brave enough, probably for the best.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm rambling

Word Count: 7629 chick lit

I'm editing. I can't stand editing. My worst inner critic rears it's ugly head and forces me into emotional turmoil. Everything I write sucks. According to me, my mother tells me. Not that she's read a word I've written. I can't let that happen. Not until there's a book on the shelf and a publishing deal.

I'm writing chick lit. It's fun. It's entertaining. It's light. Sweet. It's life. Well sort of. No it's not based on me or anything. Did I mention it's fun? Well it is when the words are flowing, a complete different story when I have no idea what to write, or rewrite!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Carnival Ends, Lent Begins

Lent starts today. Living in a Catholic country it's impossible to avoid knowing this fact and being reminded by every devout individual, usually above the age of 60 that I am not permitted to eat pretty much anything, especially meat. While for me that's not a problem because I prefer vegetables. Chocolate on the other hand is my weakness. I can easily consume a full block of milk or dark chocolate every day. Yes, it's hideously unhealthy but we all gotta have our weaknesses.

Completely abstaining from different food groups like meat products, grains or fruit and vegetables is a bad idea. Our bodies require nutrients every day. Abstaining from cigarettes for smokers, alcohol for alcoholics, chocolate for chocoholics however is a good idea. Plus it's also an opportunity to purge bad habits and create good ones.

So for the next 40 days, yes, 40. I will avoid chocolate, sweets, cookies and cakes at all costs. I did it last year, so I don't think this will be a huge difficulty. Of course, it's also very likely that at the end of it all I am going to go on a huge Lindt chocolate binge. No one's perfect.

I'm going to make this Lent time even extra difficult for myself. I'm going to have to work out every single day for a minimum of 30 minutes. Ideally I would be running every day, however due to the weather conditions I could end up in hospital. So exercise can include anything from walking, swimming (indoor pool), rowing, weights, Pilates, aerobics, Nordic skiing, etc. Bugger, that means I have to start today!

My writing isn't going to suffer either during this period. It's going to improve. At least my output will. The aim is to send out 100 queries over the next forty days. This is a huge challenge for because at the moment my motivation has disappeared and every idea has melted away or seems ridiculous. Tough. Even ridiculous ideas find homes. Right?

Meditation is also important. I don't see myself as a devout Catholic, that's just something my parents decided when they had me. However, this time even for non practising Catholics is a good time to reflect on our lives, on what is important to us, where we are and where we want to go. Meditation is a good way to unwind, and take a step back.

Are you abstaining from anything over the next 40 days? Or maybe setting some new goals for this period?

Tuesday Rant

Working from home. Earning thousands a week. Loving every moment. Taking holidays twice a year and frequent weekends away. Hitting the gym most days. Running through the forest at weekends. Spending Sunday mornings reading the paper and enjoying breakfast in bed. Shopping with friends in the afternoon and trying new restaurants mid week. I would be a liar if I said I don't do any of those things.

I take holidays and I even manage a few weekends away. A quarter my time I spend working from home. I often read magazines in the paper. I go shopping with friends and often try new cafes and restaurants. The gym is a regular place to be on Saturdays, and there's a forest at the end of the street (on both sides).

So the only thing missing is earning thousands a week. But I can work on that, can't I?

So why am I still complaining?

My theory is that it's cold outside. The first week of snow was beautiful. Now it's becoming a pain in the backside. There's a heap of snow everywhere and I can't remember the last time I spent a day in a pair of dry shoes. It's impossible not to get them wet when you're constantly walking on snow. The sky is grey, I haven't been able to go for a run in the past three weeks for numerous reasons.

Is that enough reason?

I could go on but it's not going to achieve anything. Instead I'd like to think about all those positive things that are around me and should be enough reason to stop complaining. My partner, my family, my friends, my health, my job, and everything else that is in my life.
Much better now. Time to go back to writing.

How's the winter weather working on you?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's short, don't waste it

Life is short. Get out there and make your dreams come true. Don't wait till tomorrow, because tomorrow doesn't exist.

Without wanting to sound morbid nor sombre, I think that death is a wake up call. Not when it's distanced from us, that we don't witness the day to day consequences that happen after, but the death that's close and in full view.

Some say that when you know that it's coming it eases the pain. When it's sudden and unexpected the pain is intensified. I don't believe there's a difference. The truth is that the person is there one day and gone the next. Each day you think they are going to walk through the door from work or a holiday of sorts. Deep down you know they won't. It doesn't happen. It'll never happen again.

Each day becomes easier but you never forget. You wonder what if. What if something else was said? What if they hadn't done this or that? What if we were around we could have done something? The 'what ifs' come tumbling from every direction but not one will change the fact that the person is gone. When you look into the eyes of the people who were even closer, you see the pain, their question of 'why'?

Life is short don't let it get away.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Trouble with words

I first read this in the WritingWorld newsletter, followed their link and had to read what this was all about.

A school in California wanted to ban a dictionary because parents complained of 'racy content' inside. It seems they don't want their children looking up definitions of sexual nature. Well than if the dictionary's a culprit, you might as well ban the Internet, television, advertising, books, magazines and opening your eyes or ears when you step outside. Get over it. Teach your kids common sense instead of pulling them away from the dictionary. At least they'll know how to spell if they shove their heads in one from time to time. Check out,0,5566022.story for the full story.

Yes, children do need to be protected from some information, however if they know a word, and they look it up in the dictionary than we should be looking at where they got the word or idea from initially, not just where they go to find more information. There are much worse things than a fifth grader looking up a dirty word in the dictionary. What message are you trying to give them? That dictionary's are bad? Come on, here's what will happen.

'Oh gosh what are you reading? Give me that!' mummy hurls herself at the child and grabs the thick dictionary from their small trembling hands.
'It's just f...'
'Stop, don't say that. It's bad.'
So the kid goes to his room, plays computer games, surfs the Internet, gets brainwashed by all the sexual reference on television and is confused about the dictionary. But I thought the dictionary was for learning. Learning is good, right?
Two weeks later.
'Mum how do you spell 'extraordinary'?'
'Check the dictionary.' she calls too busy to move away from cooking chicken nuggets.
'But you said the dictionary is bad.'
'Forget what I said, just look it up.'

My point is that we have double standards for everything. We do what suits us at a given time without thinking it through.

Do we really need to censor everything? Are bored people running out of things to pick at? Do you think all the naughty language should be taken out of the dictionary?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Goodbye January, Hello February

Well it's the start of a new month. February is finally here and I'm glad that January is over and done with. Not that it was a bad month or anything, it was actually pretty good but when you're in Poland and it's above -20 degrees and there's lots of snow and you have to get up at 5;30 to go to work than it's a completely different story.

In February the days begin to drag for longer. It no longer goes dark at 3;30 in the afternoon so that you're able to glimpse a little bit more of the natural light and even sun light if we're lucky enough to get a sunny winter day. I prefer those, even though if it's sunny, it gets even frostier at night but at least there's usually no wind, rain or snow fall.

February has started on a roll. I love it when on Monday's, and especially when it's the beginning of a new month I get very productive. Today's productivity is on a medium to high level. I've written a few articles, a couple of queries, some follow ups I taught English in the city before coming back home to do a lesson wiht my younger cousin as she is on school holidays and we have more time to work on her English over the next two weeks. Which I hope we will. This also means I have more time to write as a number of my students have taken leave to go away with their children.

I love February. Even though it's cold and snowy, there are many birthday's and name's days (celebrated in Poland), as well as Valentine's Day. There's so much to do, gifts to buy for family and friends and maybe even find the time to build a snowman or have a snow ball fight. It's 28 days where anything can happen. I'm counting on making February a creative and productive month that will set the pace for the rest of the year.

How was the first day of the month for you?