'No Second Chance' by Harlan Coben – I was hoping it would take a week to read but after purchasing the book, two days later it was finished. It was one that brought me to tears at the end. This guy can write. I love it when a book has that affect on me. I read it so fast that I'm sure I'll benefit from reading it once more. Might learn something too.
'Flat Earth News' by Nick Davies – This one's a non fiction book I picked up about a month ago. There's a lot of interesting stuff about newspapers. A lot of the news we read is false, rewritten and the sources aren't completely checked nor verified. Things that should be reported on are ignored, and most newspapers are run by conglomore multinationals with their own agendas – that means not informing the public of the latest news but making big bucks. Of course no surprise there.
'How to Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer' by Jenny Glatzer – I picked this one up from Amazon after reading Jenny Glatzers websites as well as all the reviews about this book. I'm half way through it and I have to say, I am impressed. It answers a lot of the questions I've had about freelancing and getting an editors attention. Now I have to start using some of her advice when it comes to my own querying. I'll definitely be reading and rereading this book more than once or twice.
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