Saturday, April 3, 2010

Did I or Didn't I?

Lent is finished. At the start of this period I created some goals. I have to say that life got in the way. My work load was higher and there were a lot of other things in the middle that couldn't be avoided. Some positive some negative, most unavoidable.

So how did I go?

I successfully managed not to eat any chocolate, cakes or sweets during the Lent period. This was probably the most important goal because I love eating chocolate. Surprisingly it wasn't as difficult as I assumed. This morning I was reading a health magazine and there was a short filler on the benefits of dark chocolate on stress levels. Eating a small piece or two of dark chocolate every day can reduce stress levels – that probably explains me having a short fuse over the past forty days.

Exercise was overlooked a little bit. Weather and time constraints. Yes, excuses, excuses. But I have started a regular exercise regime again to stay fit and improve my fitness level, running time and general health. I've got a 10km run coming up mid April – Bieg Zoo – or Zoo Run. It's a few laps around the Warsaw Zoo.

Writing those queries. This was a tough goal. I probably overestimated my abilities and time availability. I slacked off a bit. The aim was to write and submit 100 queries. I've submitted about 50. This is still a good effort. Every extra query I send out is better than none. The results from this effort? I've had one acceptance so far and five rejections. I'll give it another two weeks before I follow up. The rejected queries are going to be sent out to start looking for another home.

Happy Easter to All!

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