At the beginning of the month I had a goal to send out 31 queries in March. I didn’t send out 31, I’d like to say I sent out a heck of a lot more but nope, I sent out a total of 14. That’s fine. It’s better than zero and I did attempt the goal. I don’t consider it a failure but a learning process. Here’s what the past 31 days have taught me:
1 - You can’t just come up with queries out of the blue. You need some sort of plan.
2 - Brainstorming a dozen ideas at a time, then setting a period of time to research them, then to write, then edit, seems easier and less demotivating than going one at a time.
3 - Which comes first - the idea or the market? My confidence sucks when it comes to matching my ideas to markets. But in the end I like a bit of both. Sometimes the idea comes first, at other times it’s the market that I specifically feel like brainstorming for.
4 - Each day is going to bring new writing challenges. Waiting for inspiration and the muse is just not going to get that query written.
5 - Butt in chair is the only thing that works. If you want to write, you have to force yourself to write even when you don’t feel like it.
6 - Giving up is failure, persistence and practice will get you achieving your goals. This year, I’m going to persist and practice.
7 - You will get rejected. Or worse, you won’t get a response. Shit happens. Get over it. Move on. Resubmit. It happens to everyone.
8 - Start where you feel comfortable. Trade, consumer, online...the markets are everywhere.
9 - Have fun with it.
10 - Your success depends solely on you. Take responsibility and make your dreams come true.
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