Enough is enough, I say. How much more can I keep fooling myself? I’m a write dammit. So I write. I’ve done my 30 minutes of yoga, put on two loads of washing, checked emails and ate a nutritious breakfast - two scrambled eggs on toast with a glass of water with lemon. Time to get writing.
The query challenge for this month has been getting me down. I feel under pressure. I feel that with each passing day I’m further away from achieving my goal and closer to smacking myself over the head for being such a fool. Ok, so I’m not going to smack myself, that would look silly, and probably hurt, but you know what I mean.
So, I took action. Preparing 31 queries scares me. I’m scared of looking like a fool. I’m frightened an editor will laugh at my request. I know it’s ridiculous. Editors are only human and the worst thing they can say is no.
I contacted five editor’s today requesting writer’s guidelines including two publications that I’ve been dreaming of being published in for years - Shape, Runner’s World and Women’s Running. I’m a runner and a writer, what can I say, it would be pretty cool to have my byline in one of these.
And it’s only 8:33am.
How productive was the rest of the day? That’s subjective.
I hung out with mum for a couple of hours, her washing machine broke and the new one won’t be delivered until next week, so she came by for coffee and hot cross buns and to use our washing machine. I managed to publish two posts on my personal finance site, went for a 30 minute power walk in the local park, and printed off part 1 of my novel in progress for proofreading. I really can’t complain today.
How has your Saturday been?
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