Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 13: Catching the train

I’ve gotten so used to writing on the train that it seems to be the only place my brain functions. The writing hat is on and the words just spill onto the page. I wonder if it’s got to do with the background noise, the people, or the rocking side to side back to front. It’s become a habit, and that’s all that matters. At least I know that for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon I can get some solid writing done. 

Just this morning, I was driving to the station and an idea for a blog post came to mind. I quickly locked it in so not to forget when I got on the train. I started writing as soon as I set down and switched on my Macbook Air. Twenty minutes later I had a 1000 word draft on a current personal finance topic that will no doubt affect the majority of Australians, especially those living on credit. 

Now what am I going to do when I go on maternity leave? Will my brain function the same way when I’m sitting at home with baby? Who knows? I’ll cross that road when I get to it. 

I’m still no where near my goal of sending out 31 queries by 31 March. That’s purely my fault. I’m trying to do too much at once (prepare for baby, work, do an assignment, study for an exam, stay fit, spend time with family and friends, run three blogs, eat and still get some sleep). 

That doesn’t mean I’m giving up. On the contrary. I’m going to have to work much harder over the next two and a half weeks to meet my March goal. And I’m going to meet it dammit even if it means losing a couple of nights sleep. If I can aim for preparing two queries each day for the next two weeks then I will meet my goal. 

What I do find annoying is when editors do not get back to you. I followed up last week on a few queries I sent back in January. Response? Nada, nil, zilch, nothing. I’m very annoying. Given that they’re emailed, it takes two seconds to type up a thanks but no thanks email. No excuses. Regardless of how many you get per day. It’s not that hard really. 

Last week I requested writer’s guidelines from five publications. Again, nothing. Seriously, that’s just bloody rude on their behalf. How is a writer meant to get published, get her career off the ground if editors are not willing to give her a chance? I’ll keep trying though. I’ll persevere and I will get those queries out, and those articles published. 

What are you doing this week to make your freelance dreams come true?

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